
Electronic Project Engineer's Best Partner!
PCBgogo Participates in 2023 JPCA Show: Showcasing Excellence in PCB Manufacturing
500 2 Jul 05.2023, 14:06:30

PCBgogo is proud to have participated in the prestigous JPCA Show 2023, held in Tokyo, Japan. As a leading PCB manufacturing and assembly service provider, PCBgogo showcased its professional capabilities to diverse customers at this prestigious event.


The JPCA Show is an annual event that serves as a major platform for the printed circuit board (PCB) industry in Asia. It attracts thousands of visitors, including engineers, suppliers, and manufacturers, providing networking opportunities and promoting the latest technologies in the industry.


At the PCBgogo booth, attendees were introduced to the company's state-of-the-art PCB fabrication, assembly, and testing services. The team engaged in discussions with potential clients and partners, addressing inquiries and offering insights into PCBgogo's processes and quality control measures. Samples of previous work were also displayed, emphasizing the company's expertise and precision in each project.


The 2023 JPCA Show concluded with positive feedback for PCBgogo and invaluable new connections within the industry. PCBgogo extends its gratitude to everyone who visited the booth and expressed interest in its services.


For those who were unable to attend the event or wish to discover the exceptional quality and service that PCBgogo offers. Let PCBgogo bring your electronic projects to life with unparalleled expertise. Order now and enjoy!


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer support team at service@pcbgogo.com.

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Jul 18.2024, 18:44:19

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