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Is a Convection Oven a Better Choice for a DIY SMD Reflow Oven?
1398 1 Jan 09.2020, 17:47:06

Is a Convection Oven a Better Choice for a DIY SMD Reflow

 Oven, rather than a toaster oven? The fan is already built in.
I have not seen much real discussion on this--unless I missed it.
I'm only worried about the wind blowing around the parts--is that a risk?

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Jan 15.2020, 10:26:08

Thermal mass in an oven is a good thing. It helps maintain set point as various thermal loads enter the chamber.
Thermal mass is augmented by the use of convection. This means a small mechanical structure can be made to approximate larger thermal structure with the view to improving process window.
The question how ever is : Is a Convection Oven a Better Choice for a DIY SMD Reflow Oven?
The answer is YES.  But better still, a vapour phase oven is significantly better than reflow ovens relying on air  and IR for transfer oh heat.

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